There are now more than 350 members of Societas Litugica. The international and ecumenical character of the society is illustrated by the list of its successive Presidents and Council members.
Members' Benefits
bi-annual conference - exchange with liturgical scholars and practitioners from around the world at Societas Liturgica Congresses
invitation to participate in collective deliberation and voting regarding Societas Liturgica Congress theme, structure, and proceedings
occasions to share and explore research-in-progress with accomplished and emerging international researchers, teachers, and practioners of liturgy at Congress meetings and when the Congress is not in session, regionally and informally
subscription to Studia Liturgica, an international and ecumenical journal dedicated to the celebration and examination of liturgical and worship studies, included within your membership fee
opportunities for nomination and election to posts of service and leadership within Societas Liturgica and the journal, Studia Liturgica
Membership is open to:
those teaching or doing research in liturgical and related studies;
those who are actively engaged in official liturgical commissions;
those who are making significant contributions to the liturgical life of the churches;
such other persons as the Societas may wish to invite.
We ask any potential members to submit an application form as set out below. We also ask that your application is supported by two letters of recommendation from existing members of the Societas - please let us know the names of those you have approached in the box below.
Applicants are admitted to membership of Societas by the Council and received and welcomed into membership when they are next able to attend a Congress. Members are very much encouraged to attend Congress and to develop active participation in the work of Societas.
The Secretariat will contact you about the progress of your membership application and will let you know the decision of the Council on your membership in due course.